About Us
The UDLA, while officially founded in 1993, has deep roots in the defense practice in the State of Utah. The UDLA promotes professional development through the exchange of information, ideas and litigation techniques to enhance the knowledge and improve the skills of civil defense lawyers in Utah.
Members of the UDLA are attorneys who devote a majority of their time to the defense of civil litigation, including such areas of the law as: insurance defense; product liability; professional malpractice; medical malpractice; appellate defense; commercial defense; labor and employment defense; construction defense; and workers’ compensation.
The UDLA has become and continues to become an active force in the legislature and with various committees of the Utah State Bar. Our Legislative Action Committee has worked hard to promote rational based legislative efforts. Our CLE committee provides regular CLE courses on important topics. Our Annual Meeting Committee continues to improve the format of our Annual Meeting to provide our members not only with CLE credits, but an opportunity to socialize and network. The UDLA listserv has been utilized more frequently to provide our members access to expert witnesses, briefs, or discussion on important legal topics. We are also working to update and improve our website to provide additional benefit to our members.
The UDLA board remains committed to providing its members with value added benefits. We encourage you and members of your respective firms to become active in the UDLA, to join a committee, and to help promote civil defense practice in Utah. As always, we welcome all suggestions and comments on ways to provide additional benefits to our members.